
Vito Gamberale took part in the meeting “L’Italia del Futuro: le reti che connettono il Paese”


Vito Gamberale

On 25 novembre 2013, Vito Gamberale (CEO of F2i – Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture) took part in a meeting entitled “L’Italia del Futuro: le reti che connettono il Paese”, organized by the Italianieuropei Foundation.

During his speech, Vito Gamberale recalled that too many times, in Italy, people focus on inefficiencies rather than on the many excellences of which the Country should be proud of.

Vito Gamberale focused his debate on airports (a sector in which F2i is present, with shares in the companies that manage the airports of Naples, Turin, Milan, Florence, Bergamo and Bologna). The CEO of F2i pointed out two main weaknesses of the italian airports network: a mainly public property and an excessive number of airports (100).


Vito Gamberale recalled that the previous Italian Government did an effort to reduce the number of airport. Despite that, the present Government opened two new airports, one in L’Aquila and the other in Comiso. With reference to the first case, Vito Gamberale stigmatized that a new airport is not the way to solve the problem of a city hurt by a heartquake.
Speaking of the airports property, Vito Gamberale underlined that only 4 italian airports are managed by private shareholders. He also highlighted that it’s not true that privatizations haven’t been positive for the Country. Apart from Telecom Italia case, they have been beneficial, Gamberale said.

VITO GAMBERALE_25_11_2013_ITALIANIEUROPEI 010Per quanto riguarda invece la proprietà degli aeroporti, Gamberale ha ricordato che gli aeroporti privati in Italia sono soltanto quattro e che, contrariamente a quanto si possa ritenere, le privatizzazioni in Italia hanno avuto esito positivo, eccetto nel caso di Telecom Italia, contribuendo alla riduzione del debito pubblico ed in particolare alla riduzione dell’indebitamento degli enti locali.

F2i, acronym of Fondi italiani per le infrastrutture, is one of the biggest infrastructural county funds in the World. In Italy, F2i has contributed and is contributing to the creation and consolidation of infrastructural sector chains, thus giving birth to national champions in many fields among which, apart from airports, we should mention gas distruibution, renewable energies and telecommunications.

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