

  • Massimo Malvestio

    Economics and finance: the upcoming recession as seen by Massimo Malvestio

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    One year ago, value investing expert Massimo Malvestio had an interview with the Italian news portal “VeneziePost”, in which several important topics were addressed, including ESG policies, the upcoming recession and the rising inflation. What is the situation after one year? The news portal interviewed again the value investing expert with regard to this. “If…

  • Massimo Malvestio

    “Nordest Economia”: an interview with Massimo Malvestio

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    More and more enterprises in Italy – in particular in the Northeast area – are interested in opening up their capital to third parties. This may result in a competitive boost to the production system. However, in order to achieve this, it is important to avoid brain drain, attract new talents, and have a local…

  • Economy

    Per4m Asset management LLP

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    Dr. Iyad Farah has announced today that Per4m Asset management (PAM) LLP, has been informed by Amber Fund Sicav that the latter has received all the necessary approvals from the CSSF under the terms of the UCITS V European Union Investment Directive, including the so-called “European Passport” for distribution among the states of the European…